It's now the very time for us, Ilocano youth, to be heard and be part of the 2010 NATIONAL ELECTIONS. Thanks to the BOTO MO, IPATROL MO organizers for reaching the Ilocanos. On September 21, 2009 at the Amphi Theater, Laoag City, a history will indeed be made, for this time the voice of the Ilocano youth will start to bombard the whole nation. Let us be more supportive to this venture for our NATION'S SAKE.
Friday, September 18, 2009

BOTO MO, IPATROL MO will be here in LAOAG on SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 for the registration for the 2010 NATIONAL ELECTION. Sugod na sa Amphi Theater, Laoag City to register!
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Do you have FS? FB? How about Multiply? Myspace? Youtube? Hmmmm... Plock?! Okay. Okay. Doyou have any 'hella' NETWORKING SITE? I fyou do have one, then CONGRATULATIONS! You're now part of the BORN-TO-BE-FAMOUS-ON-THE-VIRTUAL-WORLD Club!
Thank you! Thank you!
These sites, whether Friendster or Facebook, Myspace... blah blah blah... were created for us to be conneted to the virtualworld called WORLD WIDE WEB! But didn't you think that sometimes these networking sites sometimes lead us to exploitation? I mean we expose ourselves, or at least someone make a pose for us - POSERS. And becauce of this we tend to be happy! How releaving to this tiring world.
Well in my cae, I do have a lot of these FREE NETWORKING SITES. Oh! I forgot to mention I just got my TWITTER account. See? We cannot help ourseleves but to be connected with these!
Well, I'm not against to these sites and I wont make PETITION-TO-CLOSE-DEBUNK-DESTROY-HACK What so ever!
I just want to say these words to you.
Oh! I almost forgot! Ehem... visit me on my sites! hehehe
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