Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Last night (last full show), I checked this movie for I waited for this for almost a year. Actually I discovered this film since last year in YouTube, and I always tell this to my friends. I even downloaded its trailer! Hahaha!

Okay, so the movie was not that good as 'TITANIC'. Although there are some similarities (remember the ship tossed when it was hit by the ice berg?), just like when the cruise ship when it was also tossed.

I like the CG's, it's like real! But I can't help but laugh when I saw the White House wiped out by the huge wave (I'm sorry, but I don't know why).

I have had a goosebump when the scene was about the Indian family as they waited for the huge wave to hit them, that was so touchy.

I slightly had my tears when the US President spoke in front of the camera and was broadcast then I think the last words were "THE LORD IS MY SHEPERD..." and then a chaosl scene comes next.

I like the continuity of the story, and I like also the beginning of the film (its like the frames used were extended for montage)

All I can say is, you have to watch it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I just saw 'Ninja Assassin' last night, and I would say that, the movie is not that very good one, though I like the action scenes and some of the CG's.
I just felt lke unsatisfied with Rain's portrayal of Raizo, but maybe that's the nature of his character as a ninja.
I think the used of blood in the movie, how they played it was exagerated. But again maybe this is the way to show how to kill a Ninja (hahaha) Anyways, I like the conitnuity of every scenes, and I also like the twist (as it was revealed maybe near half of the movie) when Mika thought that Raizo was the killer, but he was not, but the other ninjas.
I envied Rain for his six packs and I want to achieve it!
Anyways, not that 'A' movie but I think it's good to have it.

NEWMOON as 'bitin'

At first I was so excited about this movie because after I watched 'TWILIGHT' I felt that seeking for answers about what that movie left me is a need. When we watched the movie last Sunday, I was so silent. I make it a point that every lines of the characters will be inculcated in me, kind of, I must undrestand whatever they say. So as the movie goes on, It moves me a lot. Kind of I am so interested into every scenes, very excited indeed. But at the end part, I felt so bad, because when Edward asks Bella if she wants to marry him the credits come next. See that? You know that feeling? It's like you were not satisfied but you were full already? Indeed. 'NEWMOON' is bitin.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

KARIRIKNA: Art Exhibit

KARIRIKNA Art Exhibit was organized by the Review, the student publication of Northwestern University, Laoag City.

This event is to showcase Ilocano Artists that make artworks for the society.

DEcember 1-5, 2009
9-4pm, NWU Museum