Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I just saw 'Ninja Assassin' last night, and I would say that, the movie is not that very good one, though I like the action scenes and some of the CG's.
I just felt lke unsatisfied with Rain's portrayal of Raizo, but maybe that's the nature of his character as a ninja.
I think the used of blood in the movie, how they played it was exagerated. But again maybe this is the way to show how to kill a Ninja (hahaha) Anyways, I like the conitnuity of every scenes, and I also like the twist (as it was revealed maybe near half of the movie) when Mika thought that Raizo was the killer, but he was not, but the other ninjas.
I envied Rain for his six packs and I want to achieve it!
Anyways, not that 'A' movie but I think it's good to have it.

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